Singing Guide: The Muppets

Singing Guide: The Muppets

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Singing like the Muppets - How to Find Your Inner Puppet Voice

If you're anything like millions of other kids, you grew up on "The Muppet Show," the classic TV program that brought you Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, and the rest of Jim Henson's wonderful gang of felt puppets. Young or old, learning to sing like the Muppets can be a fun and rewarding experience. In this Singing Carrots post, we'll help you figure out how to add some felt-flavored style to your singing voice.

  1. Find Your Inner Puppet

    The first step to singing like a Muppet is to find your inner puppet. Get in touch with how you feel when you watch them on TV. Try to let go of your self-consciousness and just have fun with it. Remember that the Muppets are all different, but they share a few things in common, like their enthusiasm for singing and performing. So, start by choosing a Muppet that you feel aligned with, or a song that excites you, and then consider what you want to achieve with your singing. Whether it's accuracy, dynamics, pitch, or something else, focus on that specific goal.

  2. Study the Technique

    Each Muppet character has a distinctive vocal quality and technique, so it's worth noting the characteristics of each of your favorite ones. For instance, Miss Piggy's vibrato is a signature element of her singing style, while Kermit's voice moves between a chest and head voice, often using falsetto to hit higher notes. Gonzo, on the other hand, has a gruffer, more growly-sounding voice. Feel free to experiment and imitate these unique styles as you search for your own Muppet singing voice. One technique is to practice singing like a Muppet as you listen to the original songs or the warm-up videos suggested in the resources.

  3. Choose Your Song and Practice

    Once you've found your inner Muppet and studied their technique, it's time to start practicing! Choose a song that you love and that showcases the unique vocal style of your chosen Muppet. Sing it over and over again, getting comfortable with the notes and lyrics. Use Singing Carrots' tips on how to learn a song effectively to help make the most of your practice sessions. If you're struggling to get your voice sounding right, don't be discouraged, only a few lucky ones have puppet-themed vocal cords - but keep at it! You'll eventually find the right notes.

  4. Evaluate and Adjust

    After you've practiced your chosen song for a while, take some time to evaluate how you're doing. Use Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor to see how your singing pitch sounds. Watch over your progress statistics to identify areas for improvement. Do you need to work on breath support? Are you struggling with a particular passage or note? Use Singing Carrots' pitch training resources or vocal health tips to help address these issues.

  5. Monitor Your Progress

    Finally, keep track of your progress! Singing is a skill that takes time to develop, and there's no shortcut to getting better, but using the progress statistics can give you accurate feedback over time, and show you in which areas your hard work has paid off. Celebrate your improvements and use them to motivate yourself to continue to practice and try out new songs.

Becoming a Muppet singer is no easy task, but with Singing Carrots' song search tool to help you find songs within your singing range and the various resources available, you're sure to find a song that you love and that helps you showcase your unique Muppet-inspired vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.